The Most Congested Cities in America

Congestion has been a nuisance in the United States, especially in the major cities. It affects the economy and money is lost to the tune of millions of dollars every month. If you have been stuck in traffic for hours, the chances are that you know how frustrating this can be. More so, when you are time bound and need to make it to an important meeting or work by a certain time.

Congestion is not only detrimental to mental health, but it also increases emission rates, which are bad for the environment. Although this is not a problem that affects every city, there are several cities that are grappling with insane traffic congestion every waking morning. Let us look at some of the most congested cities in America.

Chicago, IL

Chicago, which is popularly known as “The Windy City” has made the list over and over for a couple of years now. The city has a rich history. The great Chicago fire is one of the greatest tragedies that make up its history. Besides that, it is also home to several world-class museums, which include The Museum of Science and Industry.

Sports-wise, this city has a lot to offer as it boasts of one of the most exciting NFL franchise- the Chicago Bear, as well as the Chicago Bulls, which is an outstanding NBA team. Unfortunately, a city of its stature ranks 3rd in the country as the most congested city in the country. In a study conducted by INRIX, a world-leading company in the mobility and connected vehicle services, Chicago loses a staggering 138 hours as a result of congestion.

credit: Wikipeida
The statistics also showed that drivers in Chicago also lose up to $1932 per year because of the rampant congestion. However, the average car ownership in a Chicago IL household is 1, while the speed limit in urban areas is 30 miles per hour. In more congested areas of the city like parks, schools, and hospitals the speed limit is much lower.

It is believed that delivery motorists, Rideshare, and Uber drivers among other cab drivers heavily contribute to the congestion in this city. Furthermore, most of these drivers frequently find themselves at loggerheads with the authorities mostly due to double parking.