Game of Thrones Final Season – 14 Facts And Theories

Theory: Ned Stark will return

Update: That is highly unlikely, now the Night King is dead. Or is he?
Just as you though those theories couldn’t get crazier, there’s actually quite a bit of evidence for this, and lots of fans are very persistent about this. As you may recall, Eddard Stark appeared in season one and was played by actor Sean Bean, before being executed for treason in King’s Landing.

The execution of such a beloved character was a big moment for the series and really set the mood for its entirety, it thought us that Game of Thrones doesn’t care about our heroes and villains fairy tales and that George R. R. Martin as well as the show’s writers won’t flinch for a second when it comes to killing a main character.

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Fans have been Hypothesising about the possible return from the death of Ned Stark for years now, and now it seems like it might actually happen (or rather it’s the last chance for it to happen) as the evidence continues to stack up. Few magazines have recently reported that they saw some a number of characters that they didn’t expect would return in the filming of season eight.

We’ve already seen characters coming back from the dead in Game of Thrones, and while Ned Stark has been dead for an extremely long time, we can’t rule out this possibility yet.